The ultimate address book, now in a convenient Android app. Released to the Google App Marketplace (now Google Play) in 2011.
I am the visual/interaction designer for Smartr for Android, working on new visual concepts and product ideas.
We brainstormed a number of concepts for the home screen that appears when a user first starts the app. We wanted to distill the message down to two key concepts - search and discovery.
LEFT: For the "discovery" piece, I started to noodle around the idea of creating a mosaic of related contacts, and built some simple prototypes in Flash to convey this idea to engineers and the product team.
Smartr for Android includes a quick-compose feature. As the user adds contacts to the To: field, Smartr shows highly relevant contacts that could also be added. Quick-compose also allows the user to search Smartr's automatic address book.
The launch of the Android and Gmail products also included designing the Smartr brand identity for Xobni.
BELOW: Color variations for Smartr.