Well, the site's finally back up. A lot has changed since I last updated. For one thing, none of the links really work anymore. I finally updated the site so that the Javascript will work on IE 4 and better! To find more about what I've been up to, go here.
January 8, 1999
For the past couple months I've shifted from Tetris to working on Synergy. In the meantime, I have received two more awards: my first Canadian award (from Food & Leisure Magazine) and a Bronze Trophy from the Chicago Internet Review. Oddly enough, Food & Leisure said my website was "Kid Safe Cool". I must still warn about that one page, which I still get letters about.
Got a Gameboy Color, with Tetris DX. Expect a review in the future.
September 28, 1998
Was selected the Project Cool Sighting for September 23. The (mixed) review: "Although we suspect the person behind today's Sighting has no life, they do have good design sense." It's what I've been aiming for, actually.